Magombe swamp Kibale is located in Bigodi Wetland just opposite Kibale National Park near Fort Portal city. The swamp is managed by Kibale Association for Rural Development (KAFRED), a community based organization that supports eco tourism initiatives with the aim of helping communities benefit from Tourism.

Magombe swamp is a birding paradise and has got over 200 bird species among which is the most well-known bird – the Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola Cristata). Fishing is also a common activity here since you get to find many different fish species.
Magombe swamp Kibale has got many primates species like the red colobus monkey, baboon, black & white colobus monkey, blue monkey, grey cheeked mangabey, vervet monkey, red tailed monkey and the L’Hoest monkey. Additional mammals such as chimpanzees, Sitatunga, mongooses, bush pigs, otters and bush bucks, also visit this swamp coming from the adjacent Kibale National Park.
Activities Around Magombe Swamp
Magombe swamp is conserved for its benefits, since it earns Uganda a lot of money from the tourists that visit it each year. Some of this money goes to the community and helps in offering services to the local people. The most common activities in Magombe swamp include; primate tracking, Birding, fishing and nature walks.
Visiting Magombe swamp offers you an easier option of visiting Kibale National Park. The park has some of the highest concentration primate species in the area, known primarily for its chimpanzees. Other regularly seen mammals include the black & white colobus, red tailed monkey, blue monkey; olive baboon, grey cheeked mangabey, bush baby and potto among other primates.
Kibale forest has impressive number of bird species. It is home to more than 325 bird species, some of which are; the black-capped apalis, blue-headed sunbird, collared apalis, purple- breasted sun-bird and many others
Many visitors to Kibale forests not only end their journey at chimpanzee trekking but also make an extension to meet the shy primates in Bwindi Forest National Park – the rare mountain gorillas, for a gorilla trekking safari. This is one of the most exciting African Safari.